Wednesday, July 1, 2009


So I have been mulling this over for quite some time and I have come to the conclusion that there are many more forms of abuse then you would normally assume. I'm certain that when you think of the types of abuse what comes to mind is: physical, sexual and verbal. I first two are generally easily understood, the last can be a little more difficult to define because there is usually a blurry line defining abuse from non-abuse depending on the situation and people involved but I am not going to delve into that. What I am thinking of is more not what someone does or says to another person, but what they don't do or don't say. I'm not talking about someone not feeding a small child or anything on that level. I'm talking about an attitude maybe? I still haven't completely sorted out my thoughts on this so bare with me- I'm just attempting to see if it makes anymore sense laid out on "paper." I am thinking of this more in of the side of emotions. For example, neglecting the emotional bond to a spouse or children. What do you think? You think it exists or is it on the same page as verbal-ish abuse?

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Here's The Start!

So, I have been meaning to create this blog for a long time. I just need it to express my MANY emotions as the wife to an exasperating, immature man and mama to two amazing (-ly frustrating) children. E is 27 months and S is almost 8 months.

I love my babies and man but I feel so trapped, so lost, so alone the majority of the time. . .

Well, I will be back with more background/ happenings/ ventings before too long I'm sure!